Workers' Comp And Vocational Rehabilitation

Most people know the basics about workers' compensation insurance, but the more you know, the more you can take advantage of. Every state offers hurt workers the opportunity to use rehabilitative resources in an effort to get a different job when their injury puts the old one out of the question. If you have been ruled to be at maximum medical improvement you might be interested in seeing what can and should be made available to you through your workers' compensation insurance plan. Read on to find out more.

How to access the services

The exact process can vary by location, but in most cases these services are part of the worker's compensation settlement. When your injury is severe enough that you won't be able to return to your job you may still be able to do some types of work. Whether you want to or not is often not an issue since taking part in the training is a requirement for continuing to get the other benefits offered.

A referral to a rehabilitation manager will garner the worker an evaluation that takes into account the physical injury level of disability, interests, skills and education. A plan is then produced that includes several different areas of training, testing and services. For example, if a carpel tunnel injury has made it impossible to use a keyboard for extended periods of time the worker might be offered sales job training. These services may also include workplace modifications that allow a disabled worker to get around and do their job more easily. This can include special desks, chairs and other accommodations.

What services are included?

While it varies depending on your location, some of the following may be offered to disabled workers.

  • Job aptitude testing which tests a worker's level of interest in various professions
  • Career suitability testing which tests a worker's skills, knowledge and abilities
  • Mental health therapy
  • Soft skills training
  • Job training
  • Job search skills and resume preparation
  • Job placement

Seek legal help 

You are entitled to several different forms of compensation and benefits as a result of your workplace injury and rehabilitation is only one of them. Knowing what you are entitled to and your rights when it comes to rehabilitation services is vital. Speak to workers' comp lawyer for help in the complicated matter of negotiating your workers' comp settlement. Dealing with a permanent injury begins with legal help and support to gain what you need to move forward so speak to a workers compensation lawyer today.
