
Four Benefits of Workers Compensation That You May Not Be Aware Of

Workers who get injured on the job know that they are entitled to benefits that include partial pay and medical care compensation. However, there are other benefits of workers compensation that you may not be aware of. Here are four examples of such benefits: Death Benefits to Survivors The death benefits are paid out in case of fatal injuries in the workplace. The beneficiaries are those who were financially dependent on you, such as children and spouses.

How Will the Ashley Madison Breach Affect Military Spouses?

After hackers released the names, email addresses, and other personal information of millions of subscribers of a popular adultery website, the media quickly determined that a sizable number of these email addresses were held by government employees and military members. Not only may the release of this information affect these individuals' marriages, it could also impact their ability to remain employed. If your military spouse's email address was included in this leak, you may be wondering what is yet to come.

3 Ways To Pay For Legal Services

There are times in life when you may need to rely on the expertise of an attorney. Regardless if you're facing a lawsuit, ending a marriage or involved in other types of various life situations, you may need to choose the right legal services to assist you during this time. Knowing the different ways to pay your attorney is sure to come in handy if you need to rely on this type of professional for any reason.

Abandoned Babies: Finders Keepers?

One of the most grim and tragic news stories in any country or state are the stories of abandoned babies. It is hard for most people to imagine being in such a desperate and dire fear that is solved by the abandonment of our own children. What happens to these abandoned children and is it possible to adopt a found infant? What is the Safe Haven Law? Safe Haven laws, also known as  "

An Overview Of Fair Report Privilege As A Defense To Defamation

Fair report privilege is one of the defenses available to journalists that have been accused of defamation. If you invoke this defense, then you are asserting that your alleged defamatory statement came from a public official or an official document. One reason the courts allow this defense is to encourage the public to dissect government activities without fear of recrimination. For you to benefit from the fair report privilege defense, you will need to prove these three things:

3 Costly Mistakes That Could Jeopardize Your Car Accident Claim

Being involved in a car accident can be devastating. Not only do you have to worry about repairing the damage to your vehicle, but you also have to worry about dealing with your injuries and getting back to normal. After an accident, your emotions are high and you often wonder what to do to best handle the situation. However, you want to make sure you don't end up making a mistake that could jeopardize your case.

Your SSI Claim Was Just Approved. Are You Due Back Payments?

You've been waiting a long time for your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability claim to be approved. Now that your claim is finally approved, you may be due a sizable payment once your back payments are figured. Read more to learn about what you can expect to happen next. What are back payments and for when are you owed them? Your back payments (also called "backpay" and "past due" benefits) represent the money that you would have received each month if your claim had been approved when you first applied.

Why A Social Security Disability Rejection Doesn't Mean You Don't Deserve Disability

Social security disability is in the news a lot; sometimes it seems like everyone has an opinion about it. But while journalists and politicians argue about the merits of the disability program or its potential for fraud, there's another group of people being impacted by these debates: those who believe, after being turned down for disability, that they must not deserve it. But in fact, a large number of disability claims are turned down initially.

Could Your Energy Drink Kill You? Maybe.

Energy drinks may help you get through the day - or they might just kill you. Here's what you should know about energy drinks and wrongful death lawsuits. Caffeinated Energy Drinks Are Dangerous. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has energy drinks under investigation in the wake of several reported deaths related to their consumption, including that of a 14 year old girl who died of cardiac arrest after consuming 2 energy drinks within a 24 hour period.

What Is Your Defense?: How Your Defense Attorney Plans To Clear You

Being caught up in a major legal battle is probably everyone's worst nightmare. Despite what you know about your case and your position, you are powerless to defend yourself because you are not trained to do so. Hiring a defense attorney is the best thing you can do. Here is how a defense attorney will work to clear you of the charges brought against you: Tell Your Attorney Everything Tell your attorney everything, no matter how incriminating or damaging it may be.