Mistakes To Avoid As A Victim Of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
Have you been facing sexual harassment in the workplace? If so, make sure you don't make these mistakes that may prove costly for your claim:
Not Being Clear About Your Dislike of the Aggression
There is no excuse for sexual harassment, but you will have a hard time proving your allegations of the aggression if your actions seemed to encourage them. It is easier to succeed with your claim if it is clear that you did not welcome them.
Are You Automatically At Fault For An Accident If You Have Alcohol In Your System?
It's generally assumed the presence of alcohol in someone's system will automatically make them liable for an auto accident. It's true you will likely receive a DUI if there's alcohol in your system. However, if you're in an accident, you shouldn't assume you will face full blame for it because of the alcohol.
The Amount of Alcohol in Your System Matters
Having alcohol in your system doesn't always mean you're drunk.
Answering A Couple Of Questions About Incorporating
Business law can be a rather complicated field, but if you are starting a business, it is important to make sure that you have a basic understanding about this topic. Failing to be knowledgeable about this aspect of running a business can result in you inadvertently exposing yourself to more risk than necessary. For those that have limited experience with this aspect of business ownership, it may be beneficial to learn the following answers to some basic business law questions.
What You Need To Know About Applying For Long Term Disability Through Your Job
If you were injured during your job, and your injury is going to prevent you from working for an extended period of time, you may quality for long-term disability benefits through your employer. Here are a few things you need to know about how the long-term disability benefits process through employers typically work.
Initial Application
Once you know that you will be out of work for an extended period of time, you will need to contact the intake center that manages your employer's long-term disability claims.
3 Situations Where You Should Hire An Attorney
If you have a problem you might be wondering if hiring a lawyer is the right thing for you. There are some cases where an attorney may not be needed, but there are other situations where you will be doing yourself a major disfavor by not hiring an attorney. Here are some situations where you should always have an attorney.
1. You Have Been Charged With A Crime
As a general rule, if you are in trouble with the law you should always hire legal representation.
3 Tips For Succeeding In Your Divorce Case
Getting divorced is never easy. It isn't something anyone really plans for. It just happens. Something causes the marriage to fall apart and the parties decide it best to part ways. When that happens, you are stuck dealing with a lot of different emotions and stressors trying to figure it all out. If you are going through a divorce case, you want to make sure you don't end up getting taken advantage of and lose out on more than you deserve.
Surviving A Divorce When You Have Lots Of Money
People with lots of money rightfully fear getting divorced. They know their assets will come under a tremendous amount of scrutiny.
If you have a high-net worth, it is always best to consult with an experienced divorce lawyer. During consultation, here are three of the most important divorce concerns you will want to talk about.
The Dreaded Temporary Restraining Order
It is highly likely that, as a person with lots of money, your estranged spouse will have their lawyer request a temporary restraining order (TRO) on your finances.
The Two Biggest Steps To Take In A Food Poisoning Lawsuit
A popular Mexican-style fast food chainis the latest in a wave of restaurants that have fallen prey to problems with contaminated food. In this most recent case, salmonella-infected tomatoes were used to prepare customers' food, but past incidents with this chain and other restaurants have involved things like hepatitis, the Norovirus, and scombroid poisoning. In other words, getting contaminated food is nothing new and it could happen to you. If it does, and you get sick, you may be able to file a personal injury suit in order to be compensated for your injuries.
3 Tips To Help Get Your Family Through The Holidays While Divorcing
Holidays can be especially trying when you and your spouse are in the process of divorcing. However, if you share children, it is important that you are able to work through your differences to avoid spoiling the season for them. Here are some tips to help you and your spouse handle the upcoming holidays while divorcing.
Integrate Family Traditions
Even though you and your spouse are going through a divorce, it does not mean that some family traditions cannot survive the process.
Why Your Real Estate Attorney Should Handle a Divorce Sale
If you are going through a divorce and the two of you want to remain on good terms, it is best to allow your legal team to handle all of the heavy lifting and negotiating. For example, if you own a home with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse, one of the best ways to deal with the real estate is to sell the property and divide the profits fairly. Here are some reasons why having a real estate attorney handle the sale is best for the protection of all parties.