Why A Social Security Disability Rejection Doesn't Mean You Don't Deserve Disability
Social security disability is in the news a lot; sometimes it seems like everyone has an opinion about it. But while journalists and politicians argue about the merits of the disability program or its potential for fraud, there's another group of people being impacted by these debates: those who believe, after being turned down for disability, that they must not deserve it.
But in fact, a large number of disability claims are turned down initially.
Could Your Energy Drink Kill You? Maybe.
Energy drinks may help you get through the day - or they might just kill you. Here's what you should know about energy drinks and wrongful death lawsuits.
Caffeinated Energy Drinks Are Dangerous.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has energy drinks under investigation in the wake of several reported deaths related to their consumption, including that of a 14 year old girl who died of cardiac arrest after consuming 2 energy drinks within a 24 hour period.
What Is Your Defense?: How Your Defense Attorney Plans To Clear You
Being caught up in a major legal battle is probably everyone's worst nightmare. Despite what you know about your case and your position, you are powerless to defend yourself because you are not trained to do so. Hiring a defense attorney is the best thing you can do. Here is how a defense attorney will work to clear you of the charges brought against you:
Tell Your Attorney Everything
Tell your attorney everything, no matter how incriminating or damaging it may be.
What To Do If You Get Bit By A Dog
If you were bit by a dog, regardless of whose dog it is, you have rights. This is a personal injury and one that might result in a lawsuit. Before you start entering the legal proceedings, you should know exactly what to do and in what order. This will help you win your case against the dog's owner.
Inform the Dog's Owner
When you are bit by a dog, try to find the dog's owner and inform them that you have been bit.
Had A Fall Accident In A Store? Here Are 4 Ways To Build A Strong Case For Compensation
If you have just had a fall in one of your favorite stores, you may have injuries that cause you to accumulate medical bills and cause you to miss time at work. You may be thinking about seeking compensation from the store for your injuries, but in order to get the compensation you deserve, you need to build a strong case for yourself. Here are some tips to help you do that.
The Difference Between Police Entrapment And Lies
Do police officers have to admit to being police officers if you ask them? Is it entrapment if they lie? In short: no. However, there are certain police tactics that do amount to entrapment, and if you've been the victim of them it could lead to the eventual dismissal of your case. This is what you should know about the difference between entrapment and lies.
The Police Are Allowed To Lie To You
3 Advantages To Joining A Class Action Suit For Defective Medical Products
If you have been injured by a defective medical product, chances are good that you will want to sue the manufacturer of the device. This can be a very expensive, time consuming process. You will need to gather evidence and appear in court, as well as spend the money on hiring a lawyer to make your case. After you spend all of this time and money on your case, you can't even be guaranteed that you will win and receive compensation for your injuries.
What Should I Do When Someone's Dog Bites Me?
If you are ever bitten by a dog, you will need to be sure that you're able to respond accordingly. You will need to be sure that you hold the dog owner accountable in order to get the money that you need to heal from your injuries and move forward with your life. Take advantage of some of the following information so that you can protect yourself and build a winning case.
Charged With Making Criminal Threats? This Is What You Need To Know (And Do).
Don't confuse free speech with the right to say anything that you want - or you may end up suffering criminal consequences! Your freedom of speech is protected by the Constitution, but when you say something threatening, your speech can land you in jail. This is what you should know.
Criminal Threats Take Various Forms
Threatening someone else with bodily harm is a criminal action. You can be guilty of making a criminal threat if you:
Workers' Compensation And Suing Your Employer
If you have been injured while on the job, the thought of where you're going to find the money to pay your bills while you're out recovering can be quite stressful. You know that most employers are required to carry workers' compensation insurance, which is in place to protect you as the employee. This also protects the employer's assets from being taken away when one of their employees is injured, because your claim is with the insurance company, not the employer.