On The Stand: Be Confident During Your Personal Injury Trial
If you are pursuing a claim against an at-fault driver, you may find yourself preparing for a trial. The best case scenario for a personal injury case is to be offered a settlement before you ever head to court, but you cannot always count on that happening. Being prepared for this somewhat intimidating experience can only help you to get the compensation you are owed, so read on and be confident on the stand.
What Is Patient Dumping, And How Do You Prove It?
Patient dumping is the inhumane treatment where a medical facility turns away a patient in need of emergency care because the patient lacks the means (insurance or money) to pay for their treatment. Although the practice is technically illegal (at least for Medicare-participating facilities), there are still health care centers that practice it.
Unfortunately, being dumped may result in medical complications for a patient. Consider an example in which you have developed internal bleeding after getting injured in a car accident.
Who Gets Custody? Understanding Custody of Minors
For divorcing parents, you can do yourselves and your child a huge favor by making some important decisions without having to involve the courts. Doing so allows the people who know the child the best to make decisions about custody and visitation. If you cannot agree, and some parents find that this issue in particular is a very contentious one, the courts may have to step in and make the custody decision for you two.
5 Reasons To Hire A Divorce Attorney
The thought of divorce can be overwhelming, but in some cases, it's the best option for a couple. If you're considering filing for divorce, you want to make sure that you're carefully thinking through all important decisions. It's a good idea to hire a divorce lawyer before you begin a divorce so that you can benefit in many ways and get help. Keep reading to better understand the reasons as to why you should hire a divorce attorney.
Learn What Steps To Take If You Feel You Were Wrongfully Terminated From A Job
When you start a new job, it can be an exciting, but nerve-wracking experience. You have to meet new people, learn how to do new things, and keep your cool all at the same time. There are times when people are hired for a job only to be let go a few weeks or even days later because the employer finds out something about the new employee that they do not like.
Why Hiring A DUI Attorney Is To Your Benefit
You are driving your vehicle when suddenly you are pulled over by a police officer who claims that you are driving under the influence. That is a very serious charge, which could land you in jail. The officer has the right to render you a test that measures your alcohol consumption level. If the officer administers the test and tells you that you have failed the test and consequently arrests you, immediately request permission to contact a DUI attorney.
3 Ways To Help Prevent Your Estate Plan From Being Disputed
Most people have heard stories of parents passing away only to have their adult children come out to fight over the property and their assets. These kinds of disputes can be damaging to the family relationships and should be avoided if at all possible. This is why it is important that when you meet with an estate-planning attorney you do everything that you can to ensure that you don't leave problems for your family.
3 Steps You Can Take To Protect Yourself During A Personal Injury Lawsuit
If you are thinking about filing a personal injury lawsuit, you are probably wondering what you can do to ensure that you have the best outcome possible. It is not uncommon for people in this position to make critical mistakes that end up harming them down the road. For this reason, you should educate yourself on what things you need to do to make sure that you are legally protected during the process.
Unintentional Discrimination May Still Be Unlawful
Most people are well aware that enacting policies that intentionally discriminate against people because of their race, disability, sex, etc., is illegal. However, even seemingly neutral policies may also be unlawful if they have a greater negative impact on people in a protected class. Here's more information about this issue and what you need to prove in court if you suspect this is happening to you.
Disparate Impact
Disparate impact is a provision in many anti-discrimination laws, such as the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Age Discrimination Act of 1967.
Flat Tires and Their Mitigating Circumstances Can Assist in Fighting a Traffic Ticket
Traffic violations are often looked at from a "cut and dry" perspective. When someone goes through a red light, he or she has run afoul of traffic laws. A citation will be issued to those who commit infractions of the traffic code. Police officers may issue warnings but are unlikely to do so when someone has done something very egregious. Making an unsafe lane change on the highway and cutting off another car by only a few inches is truthfully also only a few inches away from a major accident.