
Can You File a Car Accident Claim If You Didn't Call 911?

There may be many reasons you didn't call 911 after your accident. You may not have thought it was that bad, believed the other driver when they said their insurance would cover everything, or been too scared and confused to make the call. Does this mean you can't make a personal injury claim for your injuries? What Does Calling 911 Do Legally? Calling 911 isn't a legal magic spell. The main point of calling 911 after a car accident is to get help fast.

What Does An SSI Attorney Do?

SSI, or supplemental security income, is a type of income that the elderly or people living with disabilities receive from the government. Qualifying for this can be pretty tricky due to its stringent qualification standards. However, an SSI lawyer can step in to ensure that every deserving person gets the supplemental income they need to live comfortably. Read on to know the SSI eligibility criteria as well as how an attorney can help you.

When To Hire An Employer Attorney

Work-related rules can be confusing even for the most employee-friendly businesses. Furthermore, without a thorough understanding of the regulations that apply to each situation, dealing with independent workplace issues or inquiries can be challenging. Thus, you may be an overall great employer who tries to obey local and federal labor regulations as they apply to your workers. But, even the most ethical employer may require legal assistance from time to time. Even though you might tackle many job difficulties yourself, others are exceptionally complex and will necessitate a lawyer's help.

Double Duty: Tips to Improve Both Your Health and Your Accident Case

It's easy to feel overwhelmed after an accident. The effect on your life as a result of a careless driver can be profound and life-changing. Part of the frustration is trying to both take care of your health issues while, at the same time, cope with the financial losses after an accident. Fortunately, there is a way for accident victims to do both. Read on and find out how. The Compensation and Medical Injury Link

Personal Injury Lawyer: Four Reasons You Need To Hire One

When you get injured due to a negligent motorist or employer, you are entitled to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. However, before you file the claim, it is always advisable to hire a personal injury lawyer to assess your situation. Hiring a personal injury lawyer can help you build your case to prove that the at-fault party should get held liable for your injuries. Unfortunately, some individuals don't want to hire a personal injury lawyer or postpone hiring the lawyer such that they forfeit the benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer.

Three Situations When A Person Collecting Workers' Compensation May Need An Attorney

If you have been collecting workers' compensation benefits, there may not seem like there is any need for an attorney; however, that can change quickly. One of the biggest issues with your benefits will relate directly to the workers' compensation doctor that you have seen, and in many situations, continue to see. The following are three situations that you may find yourself in. The workers' compensation doctor approves you to go back to work

The Primary Reasons To Retain An Attorney That Practices Corporate Law

As a business owner, you must protect your company and its daily operations at all costs. You need to mitigate unforeseen circumstances that arise and use forward-thinking to safeguard your business's reputation and profitability. Along with taking a hands-on approach to running your company, you also need to retain legal counsel to guide and advise you. You can benefit by retaining an experienced attorney that practices corporate law to represent your business.

Why Liability Is Important In Injury Law

A major goal for every personal injury lawyer is to prove the liability of the defendant. Notably, the legal concept of liability isn't always quite the same as the common notion of responsibility. Claimants and plaintiffs should understand what that distinction is about, why liability is so important, and how the different kinds of liability work. Liability vs. Responsibility The law distinguishes these two seemingly similar concepts. While all liable people are responsible in the eyes of the law, not all responsible people are liable.

Rare Circumstances Where You May Receive Pain And Suffering Benefits Under Workers' Comp

After you have suffered a serious injury at work, you may be covered under your workers' compensation insurance provider at work. If so, you might wonder if you will be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering. While you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and lost wages to some extent, this might not be the case for your pain and suffering. Workers' Compensation and Pain and Suffering

What Sorts Of Incidents Are Considered Medical Malpractice?

One of the most common questions a medical malpractice attorney will hear covers whether a particular case counts as malpractice. While this list doesn't include every possible scenario, the following 5 instances represent some of the more common forms. Misdiagnosis Doctors often have to make informed decisions about what conditions a person might have. Getting it wrong, though, may have catastrophic consequences. The law allows quite a bit of room for doctors to not be perfect in the diagnostic process.