
Can Saying Nothing Lead To A Fraud Case?

There are many ways that speech can be considered a crime, ranging from incitement to violence to defamation. A more common example in the world of civil law might be intentional misrepresentation cases. However, sometimes saying nothing can be just as harmful as saying the wrong thing, and intentionally withholding information can create numerous opportunities for economic harm. This situation is known as fraudulent misrepresentation by omission when dealing with securities law.

Legal Consultations After a DUI Arrest

It can be difficult to know where to turn after a DUI (driving under the influence) arrest. Some defendants make the mistake of thinking that they cannot afford a lawyer. However, those who don't get legal help may end up being extremely regretful when they realize the consequences of their actions. Read on for information about how to deal with your DUI situation using legal help. Call a Lawyer

3 Tips For Hiring An Auto Accident Lawyer

Getting into a car accident is a scary experience, and the ensuing insurance, legal, and financial repercussions only make the experience that much worse. Luckily, auto accident attorneys are there to protect your rights, save you money, protect you legally, and help you get compensated if the other driver was at fault. Instead of hiring the first auto accident attorney you find online, follow these tips to ensure you make the best choice:

Factors That Help Determine The Amount Of Time You Spend With Your Kids After A Marriage Dissolution

An out-of-court agreement is usually the more popular strategy to agree on contentious issues after a divorce. However, this would only be possible if you and your spouse set aside your differences to have an amicable solution. However, if you cannot agree on some of the most important issues, you may consider hiring a lawyer to help you file a claim in court. It will enable you to get court intervention on how to co-parent, share assets, and the kids' custody, among other issues.

How Hard Is Filing For Bankruptcy?

Whenever someone meets with a bankruptcy attorney, they'll want to have some sense of how difficult filing is likely to be. Three factors tend to influence how hard cases are. The Recency of Previous Discharges Of the issues that could make a case a bit tougher, this tends to be up there. In some instances, people can't file at all if a court has recently discharged their debts. For example, someone who successfully pursued Chapter 7 liquidation can't ask the court for another discharge under Chapter 7 for at least 8 years.

When Do A Doctor's Failures Become Malpractice?

Medical malpractice attorneys have to look at cases and consider when a doctor's actions, decisions, and failures constitute wrongdoing. If you're thinking about pursuing a claim against a doctor or medical facility, you should understand what makes a practitioner's choices a form of malpractice. You and a lawyer can look at how the following factors will affect the possible outcome of a case. Standard of Care In every profession, there is some understanding of what people should or shouldn't do if they're good at their jobs.

Want To Win A Personal Injury Lawsuit? Avoid The Following Errors

If you sustain injuries in the line of duty, in an accident, or any other circumstance, seeking treatment should be one of your top priorities. Besides that, you need to utilize the opportunity provided by the constitution to seek compensation when you're hurt because someone was reckless.  Even so, seeking justice for your injuries might not be successful if you make certain mistakes after the accident. Therefore, if you want to improve your chances of winning a personal injury lawsuit, avoid the following errors.

Evidence That Can Prove That a Truck Driver Was Exhausted During the Accident

With any truck accident case, the actions of the truck driver can determine how much your settlement is worth. If the truck driver was exhausted at the time of the accident, they might be considered negligent. However, you might find it difficult to prove that the driver was exhausted without the help of experienced legal counsel. Read on to learn about what a truck accident lawyer could use to bolster your case.

3 Things You Need To Know About Family Law

Family issues can be complex, emotional, and highly sensitive. They involve personal relationships and affect your children, finances, property, and future. When you are faced with a family law issue, it is important to have the right information. It also makes sense to seek the help of an experienced family law attorney who can guide you through this process as smoothly as possible. This article discusses three things you need to know about family law.

Can You File a Car Accident Claim If You Didn't Call 911?

There may be many reasons you didn't call 911 after your accident. You may not have thought it was that bad, believed the other driver when they said their insurance would cover everything, or been too scared and confused to make the call. Does this mean you can't make a personal injury claim for your injuries? What Does Calling 911 Do Legally? Calling 911 isn't a legal magic spell. The main point of calling 911 after a car accident is to get help fast.