The Other Side Is Hiding Something, But Now What?

In the process of business litigation, it's not uncommon for one side to become convinced the other side is hiding something. Fortunately, America's legal system takes this possibility into account. Here, take a look at the tools available to a business litigation lawyer for getting to the bottom of things. Notices One of the first tools an attorney uses when there are concerns about information or items being hidden during litigation is to send a notice to the other party. [Read More]

What To Look For When You Need A Criminal Defense Attorney

When you have been arrested for a crime, you need legal advice and representation. While it is possible to represent yourself, unless you have vast legal experience, it is not a good idea. Not only do you not understand exactly how the legal system works and how judges make decisions, but you are also too close to the case. You may be too emotional to maintain your composure to provide the details that will exonerate you. [Read More]

Was Your Parent Just Diagnosed With Mesothelioma? Get A Legal Team Fast

If you have a parent that has been recently diagnosed with mesothelioma and they are struggling physically, mentally and financially, take the time to meet with a law professional. A lawyer that has worked with similar cases should be able to help you with putting together a case if your parent qualifies for some type of settlement, and then you can eliminate some of the burden that your parent is dealing with. [Read More]

What To Know About Felonies, Infractions, And Misdemeanors

Criminal offenses come in all varieties, and it can be confusing for some to sort the differences. Whether you are just curious or you have been accused of one of the above, it's helpful to understand what those terms mean. Read on to find out more. What is a Felony? This is the most serious category of offense and it carries a well-deserved reputation for impacting those convicted with dire punishments. [Read More]