3 Important Elements Of Age Discrimination Protection

As you get older, you may face more challenges in the workplace. Sadly, it is common in many industries in the United States for workplaces to discriminate against older workers. Luckily, this is not a legal practice due to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) as well as the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990 (OWBPA). Both of these acts, combined with laws in most states, provide a wide variety of legal protection for older workers in the workplace. [Read More]

Tips For Getting The Best Settlement For Your Car Accident

If you were clearly not at fault for the car accident you were in, it should not be difficult for you to recover compensation for your injuries and damages. However, there can be a big difference in the amount of money a person receives for their compensation after an accident. If you want to get the highest settlement you can possibly receive for your accident case, here are several tips to follow that will help you do this. [Read More]

What Factors Impact An Auto Accident Case

It's easy for a car accident to turn out to be a very traumatic experience. If responsibility falls on another driver, you'll be dealing with injuries, property losses, and reclaiming the costs from them. If they refuse to pay, you'll have to go through court to file a lawsuit. If it comes to that, it's important to be aware of the factors that can impact your case. How Soon You File [Read More]

3 Important Actions To Take When Applying For SSDI

If you have a chronic injury or illness that prevents you from working, it may be a good idea to apply for Social Security disability insurance. This government-funded program gives you financial assistance that you normally wouldn't need could you work. To make applying for these benefits less difficult, take these actions.  Understand the Qualifying Criteria  Applying for SSDI (Social Security disability insurance) is quite a lengthy process, and because of this, you want to make absolutely sure you're eligible before proceeding any further. [Read More]