3 Situations Where You Should Hire An Attorney

If you have a problem you might be wondering if hiring a lawyer is the right thing for you. There are some cases where an attorney may not be needed, but there are other situations where you will be doing yourself a major disfavor by not hiring an attorney. Here are some situations where you should always have an attorney. 1. You Have Been Charged With A Crime As a general rule, if you are in trouble with the law you should always hire legal representation. [Read More]

3 Tips For Succeeding In Your Divorce Case

Getting divorced is never easy. It isn't something anyone really plans for. It just happens. Something causes the marriage to fall apart and the parties decide it best to part ways. When that happens, you are stuck dealing with a lot of different emotions and stressors trying to figure it all out. If you are going through a divorce case, you want to make sure you don't end up getting taken advantage of and lose out on more than you deserve. [Read More]

Surviving A Divorce When You Have Lots Of Money

People with lots of money rightfully fear getting divorced. They know their assets will come under a tremendous amount of scrutiny. If you have a high-net worth, it is always best to consult with an experienced divorce lawyer. During consultation, here are three of the most important divorce concerns you will want to talk about. The Dreaded Temporary Restraining Order It is highly likely that, as a person with lots of money, your estranged spouse will have their lawyer request a temporary restraining order (TRO) on your finances. [Read More]

The Two Biggest Steps To Take In A Food Poisoning Lawsuit

A popular Mexican-style fast food chainis the latest in a wave of restaurants that have fallen prey to problems with contaminated food. In this most recent case, salmonella-infected tomatoes were used to prepare customers' food, but past incidents with this chain and other restaurants have involved things like hepatitis, the Norovirus, and scombroid poisoning. In other words, getting contaminated food is nothing new and it could happen to you. If it does, and you get sick, you may be able to file a personal injury suit in order to be compensated for your injuries. [Read More]