3 Tips To Help Get Your Family Through The Holidays While Divorcing

Holidays can be especially trying when you and your spouse are in the process of divorcing. However, if you share children, it is important that you are able to work through your differences to avoid spoiling the season for them. Here are some tips to help you and your spouse handle the upcoming holidays while divorcing.  Integrate Family Traditions Even though you and your spouse are going through a divorce, it does not mean that some family traditions cannot survive the process. [Read More]

Why Your Real Estate Attorney Should Handle a Divorce Sale

If you are going through a divorce and the two of you want to remain on good terms, it is best to allow your legal team to handle all of the heavy lifting and negotiating. For example, if you own a home with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse, one of the best ways to deal with the real estate is to sell the property and divide the profits fairly. Here are some reasons why having a real estate attorney handle the sale is best for the protection of all parties. [Read More]

Starting A Small Business: How A Lawyer Can Help

So you want to start a small business. Before you take on your first client you need to make sure you are following all the legalities of your field and the community you live in. A business lawyer can help you in many ways to get your business off the ground in all the right ways. Here are things a business lawyer can assist you with. Zoning laws Zoning laws pertain to your business if you are leasing a building or plan on running your business out of your home. [Read More]

2 Reasons You Should Have An Estate Plan Even If You Are A Young Adult

Having an estate plan is essential for every adult. Many people make the mistake of thinking that if they are young adults that they don't need an estate plan. This kind of thinking can be very dangerous. Instead, it is important that even people in their younger years have an estate plan. Here are a couple of reasons why you should have an estate plan, even if you are young. [Read More]