What You Need To Know Before You File For Bankruptcy

When you're an individual that's facing debt to creditors beyond the means of repayment, filing for bankruptcy may be the best option to relieve the immediate burden. Choosing to file for bankruptcy can give you the opportunity to clear your name of debt in a court of law and start over. But because a bankruptcy hearing is an involved process that requires specific legal applications and judicial motions, there are things you need to know before you decide to file. [Read More]

Making Yourself Whole—How No-Fault Insurance Claims Work

If you are in a car accident and wish to recover your damages, you may be able to utilize your no-fault insurance coverage. These no-fault polices are available in many states and can help you get a quick payment from your own insurance company. Here are some things you need to know about no-fault insurance: How Does No-Fault Insurance Work? When filing a no-fault insurance claim, you will contact your own insurance company. [Read More]

DWI/DUI Charges: 5 Things You Should Know

DUI/DWI charges can have serious consequences. Since you may have been tempted at some point to have some drinks and then drive, or you know people who do on a regular basis, there may be some questions you have about the legalities of it.  Here are five of the most common. What is the Difference between a DUI or a DWI charge? DUI is "driving under the influence" of alcohol or drugs, and DWI is " [Read More]

Options For Men Suffering From Domestic Violence

Sadly, most cases of domestic violence in the media are about women and children, but men can be victims as well. Ten percent of men in the United States have suffered physical attacks at the hand of their significant other. If you find that this is your situation, you need to know what options you have for getting out of this type of relationship. Break the Silence The first step of getting away from your abuser is to admit that your partner is hurting you. [Read More]