When Your Medical Professional Steals Your Pain Medication

When you're in pain, the last thing you expect is the medical professionals caring for you to short your pain medication in order to feed their own drug addiction—unfortunately, this happens more often than many people realize. This is what you should know about "drug diversion" involving painkillers—and what you can do if it happens to you. The most vulnerable are the ones likely to suffer. The most likely victims of prescription drug theft are people who are simply too ill to realize what is happening to them—which means that medical professionals desperate to feed their own addictions are likely to target the elderly, patients in surgery, patients who have recently had surgery, and those in critical or acute conditions. [Read More]

Important Tips About Your Spouse And Your Estate In The Event Of Your Death

Most couples naturally assume that if one of them dies, the other one will automatically get all the property and assets they had together while married. While this is essentially true, some aspects of yours or your spouse's death could mean big changes in the ownership of the property involved in the marriage. If you and your spouse have not taken the time to plan out your estate, doing so is extremely important to avoid problems later if one of you dies. [Read More]

4 Damages You Can Ask For In A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Choosing to file a personal injury lawsuit is a great way to get restitution for a wrong against you. By filing a personal injury lawsuit you can send a strong message that you will not be treated that way, and you can get financial help for your pain. When you file a personal injury lawsuit you will ask for damages, this is money for injuries caused. Here are some things you can ask for in damages. [Read More]

Knowing When You May Need An Auto Accident Attorney

Auto accidents, while unpleasant, do happen every day all across the United States. Even knowing this fact, you are never prepared when you are the person who is in a motor vehicle accident. Getting in a car accident can be a traumatic and upsetting experience which can make it difficult for you to know if and when you will need to hire an auto accident attorney to help you deal with the aftermath of your accident. [Read More]