Charged With Making Criminal Threats? This Is What You Need To Know (And Do).

Don't confuse free speech with the right to say anything that you want - or you may end up suffering criminal consequences! Your freedom of speech is protected by the Constitution, but when you say something threatening, your speech can land you in jail. This is what you should know. Criminal Threats Take Various Forms Threatening someone else with bodily harm is a criminal action. You can be guilty of making a criminal threat if you: [Read More]

Workers' Compensation And Suing Your Employer

If you have been injured while on the job, the thought of where you're going to find the money to pay your bills while you're out recovering can be quite stressful. You know that most employers are required to carry workers' compensation insurance, which is in place to protect you as the employee. This also protects the employer's assets from being taken away when one of their employees is injured, because your claim is with the insurance company, not the employer. [Read More]

Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Personal Injury Plaintiffs

If you are pursuing a personal injury case due to a vehicle accident, there are seven things that attorneys would like you to know, and to do, to help your case. 1.  Take Pictures and Collect Evidence After an accident, you will want to be aware of opportunities to collect evidence. You can keep a disposable camera in your glove compartment in case of an accident like many wise car owners do, or plan to use your cellphone to take pictures of the scene and the vehicles if there is ever an accident. [Read More]

Can You Restrict Visitation If You Seek Child Support?

If you and your child's other parent are separating or divorced, you may be wondering how you'll be able to financially support yourself and your child. At the same time, you may be reluctant to permit your child's other parent to take on the responsibilities of shared custody or visitation. Can you petition for alimony or child support while restricting your child's access from his or her other parent? Read on to learn more about the intersection of these two legal rights and how they may affect your custody case: [Read More]