Steps For Making Your Yard Safer In Advance Of A Summer Get-Together

The arrival of summer means that you may have plans to celebrate the good weather by inviting good friends over for a get-together. You'll likely do a number of things before they arrive, including mowing the lawn, cleaning your house, and otherwise making your property appealing. These steps can increase your guests' enjoyment, but you should also have your mind on their safety. A summer get-together can quickly hit a sour note in the event of someone being injured on your property, and the relationship that you have with the person in question could deteriorate should he or she pursue legal action against you. [Read More]

What You Need To Know About Alimony

Ending a marriage can be both emotionally and financially devastating. To help ease the financial burden that a spouse may feel after the divorce is final, some judges will award alimony to the spouse who generates less income. Alimony can be a useful tool in helping you rebuild your life after a divorce. Learn more about the alimony process and how it can benefit you. Alimony is based on capacity to earn. [Read More]

How A Construction Litigation Attorney Can Help Contractors With Non-Payment Issues

If you work as a contractor, not everything will always go smoothly with you and other contractors. There may be an issue with non-payment, for example, that ultimately affects your business. If this has happened, you need to contact a construction litigation attorney. They can help out in the following ways.  Investigate Your Case  Before you ever head to court and file a claim against another contractor, your construction litigation attorney will first investigate your case. [Read More]

Does Your Will Need A Codicil?

Wills provide loved ones with a sure path to deal with estate matters at a time when they are grieving and confused. If you already have a will in place, you must know that as your life changes, so must your will. Failing to update your will could cause even more problems than not having one, and doing so is so easy that you should not have an excuse. Read on to learn more about updating your will and how it's done. [Read More]